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  • Writer's picturePatricia Apelt

Updated: Jul 8, 2020

My writing career has taken a new direction. Yes, I will continue to write the third novel of The Melrose Farm series, but I am now also doing something a little different. I have taken an online course on how to become a Travel Writer and Photographer. It is going very well and I already have my first assignment! I will be taking a vacation with some of my family to Southwestern Virginia in July. I have already made a deal with an "E-zine" site to sell several stories of that trip, plus some photos. In case you are not familiar with the term, E-zine is a digital magazine that you read online. I will probably add some of those stories to this site, or at least parts of them. I am excited about taking trips and getting paid to do it! Wish me well, please.

  • Writer's picturePatricia Apelt

Updated: Jul 8, 2020

This is my table at the Hampton University Literary Festival. As you can see, Circumstantial Connections is on display, but can you believe my luck? The advance shipment of Green Mountain Mysteries and Ship Shadows arrived at my door the day before this show! So I was able to have both books there.

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  • Writer's picturePatricia Apelt

As of June 1, 2018 my book is available in 6000 bookstores and libraries across the country. Maybe even one near you! Go in and ask for it. If they have not ordered it yet, that might be just the incentive they need! THANKS

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